Swallowing Mercury Shortlisted for National Translation Award
Wioletta Greg's Swallowing Mercury, translated from the Polish by Eliza Marciniak, has been named a finalist for the National Translation Awards (NTA) in Prose! 2018 marks the twentieth year for the NTA, which is administered by ALTA and is the only national award for translated fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction that includes a rigorous examination of both the source text and its relation to the finished English work.
Eliza Marciniak
This year’s prose judges are Esther Allen, Tess Lewis, and Jeremy Tiang. The awards will be announced at ALTA’s 41st annual conference, held this year at the Indiana Memorial Union at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN from October 31 – November 3, 2018.
Here are the shortlisted titles for prose:
by Mathias Énard
translated from the French by Charlotte Mandell
(New Directions)
by Yasunari Kawabata
translated from the Japanese by Michael Emmerich
(New Directions)
Ghachar Ghochar
by Vivek Shanbhag
translated from the Kannada by Srinath Perur
(Penguin Books)
The Impossible Fairy Tale
by Han Yujoo
translated from the Korean by Janet Hong
(Graywolf Press)
Old Rendering Plant
by Wolfgang Hilbig
translated from the German by Isabel Fargo Cole
(Two Lines Press)
Swallowing Mercury
by Wioletta Greg
translated from the Polish by Eliza Marciniak
(Transit Books)
Titles Available by Wioletta Greg: