
Transit Books is a nonprofit publisher of international and American literature, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 2015, Transit Books is committed to the discovery and promotion of enduring works that carry readers across borders and communities.

Transit Books publishes a carefully curated list of award-winning literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, essay, and literature for children. Transit authors have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, a National Book Critics Circle Award, and the PEN Translation Prize, and have been finalists for the National Book Award, the International Booker Prize, the National Translation Award, and more.

Learn more about supporting our mission here.

The Washington postLos Angeles Times
San Francisco Chronicle



Adam Z. Levy – Publisher
Ashley Nelson Levy – Publisher
Lizzie Davis – Executive Editor
Jarrod Annis – Sales and Marketing Manager


Adam Z. Levy • Ashley Nelson Levy • Haley Marwell • Beverly
Mislang • Amanda Nadelberg • Silvia Oviedo

National Advisory Council

Susan Bernofsky • Andrew Eisenman • Jennifer Hastings • Anderson
Tepper • Alex Zucker • Jeffrey Zuckerman


Transit Books titles are sold and distributed to the trade internationally and throughout North America by:

Consortium Book Sales & Distribution
34 Thirteenth Avenue NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN, 55413


To request advance or review copies of any of our titles, email editors [at] transitbooks [dot] org. Along with your request, please include your affiliation and provide links to previous reviews, if available.

Academic desk copy requests should be sent to the address listed above. Please include the name of the professor, course description, and expected enrollment.

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Berkeley, CA 94702